"Like Newborn Infants"


morning traditional Worship-11 AM II sun. night Celebrate Recovery-7pm

Aug. 21, 2022


“History tells us how hate can be exploited to lead an entire nation to commit unspeakable crimes against a particular racial, religious, political, or ideological group.

If hate is left unchecked, it intensifies from intolerance to a wish to annihilate the other. Hate strips us of our humanity. Hate eliminates the ability to show empathic concern for the injustice done to others. Hate numbs the guilt and shame that we should feel for our prejudiced behavior. Most importantly, it eliminates our ability to understand why we feel this hatred and how to eliminate it by addressing the real issues that gave rise to it.

It strikes at the core of our humanity.”

(The Psychology of Hate Lobsang Rapgay Ph.D. -Psychology Today, 2018)

"I would permit no man, no matter what  his color might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him." -Booker T. Washington, "Up From Slavery"

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